Reverse Disease
Go Beyond Symptoms
Get to know the many ways that diabetes and obesity have been reversed for many patients, by studying:
· Medical metrics
· Sleep
· Diet
· Behavior
· Exercise
· Stress
Along with your medical treatments, these lifestyle factors can play a huge role in how your body recovers from diabetes and obesity.
Social Determinants Contribute 80% to Overall Health
We commonly assume that if we’re not well, medicine can make us better. The advances in medical science and pharmaceuticals have indeed saved many lives, especially when you consider antibiotics and vaccines. For diabetes, insulin and oral hypoglycemics (like Metformin and Sulfonylureas) have not only saved lives, but have also played critical roles in maintaining quality of life. But even these important advances in medicine have not, and cannot alone, reverse disease.
Clinicians agree that medicines contribute 20% to overall disease, but social determinants (largely lifestyle factors, community, and environment) can make 80% of the difference.* Diet and exercise are both important, as the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) study found in 2002. The extensive clinical study concluded that those receiving intensive counseling on effective diet, exercise, and behavior modification reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 58%. For more on the study design and results, visit
Beyond diet and exercise, factors such as sleep and stress can also have profound effects on health. More than 18 million people have sleep apnea, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Many of us have never been tested for sleep apnea, and go undiagnosed for decades. Sleep apnea can worsen diabetes and increase the risk of developing diabetes or other serious health problems, according to Daniel Einhorn, MD, FACP, FACE. Treating sleep apnea can improve the quality of life and improve overall health.
No one can eliminate the life circumstances that cause stress. But learning to cope with stress more effectively can have enormous benefits. Techniques such as meditation, biofeedback, and tapping (or emotional freedom technique) can have profound effects on quality of life, outlook, and well-being.
Having social connections and support during difficult times, or a group of people who face similar health struggles can also contribute greatly to wellness. Community is a powerful factor to wellness.
Vavici surrounds doctors and patients with resources to vetted lifestyle programs, and enables the doctor to investigate each factor and recommend a customized care plan for each patient. The doctor enhances his/her existing practice while incorporating a root-cause approach to patient care.
*Source: National Academy of Sciences,
Partner with Your Doctor
Build a collaborative relationship with your doctor, your community, and other people like you.
It takes curiosity. It takes education. It takes commitment.
But it’s possible to reverse diabetes in only six months, if your doctor is fully engaged.
Vavici empowers your doctor to help you take the right steps toward reversing your disease. We also empower you with the support resources you need.
Build A Patient Profile of the Total You
With so many diet fads and celebrity health gurus each pitching a different approach, and so much content everywhere, how do you know which claims are backed by research, and which claims are supported by real patient data? Above all, how do you know which approach is right for you? Vavici helps you and your doctor discern what’s been validated, what’s worthy of safe experimentation, and what may be contraindicated by your condition.
Your doctor is engaged in your total health. By collecting medical metrics as you implement new lifestyle choices, you can learn a lot about what’s working for you. Partner with your doctor to get meaningful monitoring and tracking, select lab tests that provide actionable insights, and an educated and informed opinion about your diet, supplements, and how your body is responding to both medical and lifestyle interventions.
Take a simple and popular regime like juicing. What sounds like a harmless healthy choice might cause unanticipated effects on your blood glucose. Wouldn’t you rather have your doctor in on this plan so that you can get some metrics on how juicing affects you? By working together, you may be able to calibrate your juice intake alongside the rest of your diet, and get to optimal results faster.
By keeping your patient data in a single accessible place where both you and your doctor can easily access it, you can see your trend lines over time, and you can track and analyze the interventions in your journey. Vavici provides the data analysis and intelligence tools to help you and your doctor identify the insights faster. Vavici also provides your doctor with the ability to add new recommendations and programs into your shopping cart. You can journal your experience in the system, and control which entries you want to keep private, and which entries you want to share with your doctor. Together you build a patient profile that creates a whole picture of your care.
Now your doctor is in charge of not only your medical tests and prescriptions, he or she is able to see the bigger picture of you.
Seek Root Cause
By joining a learning ecosystem that supports your healthcare journey, you can discover new ways to live a healthy life, and break free from a system that keeps you dependent on "sick care," which addresses only the symptoms, and not the root causes.
Your membership avails you to research, menus, food plans, exercise programs, sleep therapies, stress management, and people who will make this journey more manageable with you.
Break Free From “Sick Care”
Taking your health seriously goes beyond paying your health insurance premium and crossing your fingers that you won’t have a catastrophic event. Maintaining your health is daily habit. It requires your active engagement and commitment to take yourself seriously.
We may be “doing our best every day” to eat well or to take the stairs rather than the elevator. But how do you know that your choices are having any impact? For most of us, the weight scale is the only measurement we use, and it often discourages us more than it encourages us to keep trying.
What if you could get lots more feedback on how you’re really doing? What if this feedback could help you modify and fine-tune what it means “to do your best each day”? What if you learned that making small changes can make visible impact on your health, and eventually on your weight? Even more significant, what if you learned that some of your choices are keeping you sick?
Many affluent individuals, including Hollywood celebrities, have become their own health detectives, often with the assistance of expensive naturopaths, osteopaths, and alternative health coaches, to get to root cause. What if you could investigate your root causes with the assistance of your existing doctor? And what if this could be available affordably?
For the price of two cups of coffee each month, or an HBO membership, you can dramatically change how you approach your health. Your membership avails you to curated resources, such as:
Food Plans
Exercise Programs
Sleep Therapies
Stress Management
Monitoring Programs
Get trusted resources and support from your doctor, many of which are covered by insurance. A Vavici membership is your path to freeing yourself from sick care, and finding your way back to real health.